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Terms And Conditions

India Inspirational Women Awards explains to you the ‘terms of use’ to be practiced to use their products and services.




The ‘site’/’website’/’this site’ refers to “”, which is provided by the DreamCatchers and is subjected certain terms and conditions. The ‘terms of use’/terms and conditions along with the privacy, cookie and additional policies apply to your use of this site.


In this site, ‘we’ also means ‘us’, ‘IIWA’, ‘our’, ‘DreamCatchers’ in connection with our partners, service providers, advertisers, sponsors and other applicants. We do not support any other third party organisers who are not our sponsors.

All text, software, graphic, videos, images, audio and other material are collectively referred as ‘content’.


Nomination Process

Following terms and conditions must be complied with in order to proceed with the India Inspirational Women Awards application process:


      1. The applicant must be women/girl.

      2. The applicant can apply only in one category.

      3. Nomination fees is Rs.3956.

      4. The nomination fee is only refundable under circumstances . In case of non selection of the participant,                   India Inspirational Women Awards will refund the nomination fee.

      5. There might be additional fees payable after selection for additional benefits provided to selecteds                         awardee, however the same will not be mandatory.

      6. All nominations are reviewed by Jury Members and their decision forms the basis of selection of awardees.             The jury cannot be asked to reveal its decision making process under any circumstances.

      7. No objection or legal challenge can be raised to the jury selection of awardees. The decision of the                     jury is final under all circumstances

      8. Fraudulent representation or misrepresentation on the application is actionable; and can form the basis of               rescinding the award.

     * Note: India Inspirational Women Awards makes no endorsement or takes responsibility of the views                     /opinions/beliefs held by the awardees and is not liable for the same.


Users General Rules and Obligations

Firstly, as mentioned earlier, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions and policies by using this site. If you do not accept, you are not authorised to use or to contribute to the site.

The site may contain third party websites (external sites) which are provided as to your convinience and are not considered to be an endorsement by us. The content on such sites are provided and maintained by others to which we cannot accept any responsibility or liability.

Any actions that disturb the terms and policies of the site or other users of the site and illegal activities are strictly prohibited. Violating any such rules will lead to strict action against the person as per the applicable laws.


     1) One should not collect the personal details through electronic devices or any other means to send                          unacceptable emails or other communication.

     2) Any work that affects the site in any manner(reliability, speed or operation) is not allowed.

     3) Using the site for unlawful purposes is against our terms.

     4) Harassing or causing distress or inconvenience to any person by transmitting obscene or offensive content or         disrupting the normal flow of dialogue within the site is strictly unacceptable.

     5) Children under the age of 16 are supposed to use the site with their parents’/guardian’s consent, else the              account shall be terminated without any warning.

     6) The site let’s it’s users to make some contribution to the site in regard with the content. You hold sole                        responsibility for the content(including all texts, images, graphics and audio) you provide on the site. The                content must be not be copied from any other third party and must hold the required owner’s                                license/copyright. It must not harass, be obscene, racist, unlawful, ethically offensive, threatening or a                  criminal offence to anybody or anything. It must not be advertisements or promotions of other businesses.

     7) All the information provided by you are securely encrypted into our database with security. In case you wish            to withdraw the info for any reason at any time, you are allowed to do so by contacting us. The withdrawn            info shall be deleted in all our spaces and will cause no further complications.

         Any queries concerning the competition can always be enquired by contacting us through the number or                email provided.



We do not hold any other third party organisers or websites who do not belong to our service providers, lincensors or sponsors. Any tricks or activities applied onto our users by such parties are not concerned with us and we do not hold any liability.

The ‘terms of use’ and all the policies may be changed and revised only if required; by notifying you from time to time.


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